About me

I was born and raised on a corn and soy bean farm a mile outside of Definace, Iowa. I grew up feral and free range and ingroant of how special having that much space and freedom as child was. I loved playing among the old farm equipment, chasing the dogs and the ducks, and swinging on a rope between the hay lofts with my sisters.

At 18, just a couple months after high school, I moved to Los Angeles with a friend. He found us an old bungalow and we attempted to "make it in Hollywood." Which we both did after many years, lots of adventures, and plenty of drudgery. My first job in LA was washing dishes in a pub in Hollywood. The past 10 years i've been working as an Electrical Lighting Technician for Film & TV. I'm currently studying to make a career change into Cybersecuirty so I can have some better work hours and more work-life balance.

I care about my family, my friends, my neighbors, and trying to make my neighbrhood a little better in hopes it will ripple out to the wider world. I care about moving towards a more sustainable future with cleaner air, cleaner water, and equitable access to the good things of this earth for all people. I like tasty food, dancing, camping, and a good ol' anti-corruption campaign.

That's me!